Starred Fields

Starred Fields


There are a number of fields in the Artwork Component accompanied by “Starred” buttons. This indicates that the field also includes the option to add additional values beyond what can be added to the field itself. For example it may be for historical works that there are a number of different titles under which the artwork is known. Clicking on the Starred icon reveals a fieldĀ that allows you to add any number of additional values, once an initial value has been added in the primary field, where each value isĀ separated by a new paragraph.

Fields in Tessera accompanied by a star icon belong to The Dublin Core Metadata Element Set. This is a vocabulary of fifteen properties for use in resource description widely used by a range of organizations interested in facilitating movement of data between organizations.

Use of these fields in Tessera allows data to be moved out from Tessera in a format suitable and familiar to many other bodies who utilize the Dublin core standard.

For more information use the button provided under the starred icon.



